Location FF26
Ruler Clayton
Bakerson, Mayor of Joe's Place
Military Army
is rated poor: 4 (Size 1, Quality 4)
is rated none: 0 (Size 0, (0), Quality )
Cities Joe's
Place (pop. 7,000) (capital)
Population 40,000
(75% human, 10% elven, 10% halfling, 5% other).
Resources Agriculture,
cloth, wood.
Religions Celtic
(Welsh), Egyptian pantheon. Very tolerant of other religions.
History & This small city arose around the Trading Post owned
by Joe Demigod.
Description This Trading Post had been there, and run by Joe,
since before even the oldest elves in the area can remember. The people of the area consist mostly
of farmers, sheep herders, and wood crafters. Joe's Trading Post is a major stop for adventurers
travelling between Keeli and Augustine.
It is rumored that Joe Demigod will sell anything (excepting wishes) for
a price. There are always people
willing to go on quests for Joe in order to gain some powerful magic item or
lots of treasure.
Joe's Place is not formally allied with any other political entity, relations
are closest with Keeli and Augustine; however, it remains an independent
political entity. Not
surprisingly, Joe's reputation (not to mention his last name), has discouraged
even Deerhart from attempting any forays into the city's lands. It is suspected, although not
definitely known, that Joe would defend the city in the event of an
invasion. Supporting this view is
the fact that the Second Drow War is the only time that Joe has ever been seen
in armor or carrying a weapon: his Trading Post had been destroyed by the Drow,
and since then, no Drow have ever been spotted near Joe's Place. The reader is invited to use cause and
people of the area are mostly Celtic and Egyptian, and the majority of
spell-casters in the region are either druids or witches. A very large and powerful clan of
Egyptian witches make their home a few hours ride west of the town itself, and
are known to render aid to the town when needed. In all, the area tends to be very peaceful, the major
excitement coming when large bands of adventurers come through town.