Location H48
Ruler The
Military Army
is rated excellent: 50 (Size 10, Quality 5)
is rated good: 18 (Size 3, (3), Quality 4)
Cities Kasala (pop. ~60,000) (capital)
Population 1,500,000
(est.) (75% human, 25% other).
Resources Mostly
unknown, although rare woods, drugs, and other exotic items someĀtimes are
Religions Different
forms of demon worship and animism.
Very intolerant of other religions.
History & Little is known of Kosala except that mysterious and
terrible things are said to
Description occur
in the jungles of the region. The ruler is said to be a natural polymorph who
may even be a demon. There are ample tales of human (and other) sacrifice and
horrible rituals.
there are treasures that come only from Kosala. These treasures include rare
woods, drugs that can cure (or cause) various ills, and the world's finest
chocolates (which are rumored to keep one healthy and happy). These entice
various adventurers to attempt to find their fortunes in the jungles of Kosala.